The topics of demons is not an easy one – neither is the story of Jesus and the herd of pigs. But, that’s the story for lectionary this week. Is it possible that we are called to drive out demons?
Author Archives: Elise Feltrin
142 Questions – June 12, 2016
It is the temptation of preachers everywhere to take the scripture and to interpret it leaving at the end of it a nice package that you will take home to ponder. This week, that is not my intent or my purpose. My purpose is not to interpret the text for you, but instead to ask …
A Woman, A Son, A Resurrection, A Pattern – June 5, 2016
In the story for this week we find a peculiar resurrection tales with an unexpected response from the people. This story may be routed in a tradition marked many centuries earlier by the major prophets Elijah and Elisha.
Men in High Heels & Mystified Marmots – April, 17, 2016
In a world where we are told to be independent, how do we handle the idea of Jesus as shepherd? Maybe it’s the very act of being a sheep that outsiders can’t understand until they try it for themselves.
When Safety Scissors Sever the Rope – April 10, 2015
With the disciples headed back to fishing it seems like Jesus will be nothing but a blip in history. That is, until another resurrection moment that will change Peter yet again. But, before they can continue, they must deal with the severed rope and the elephant in the room.
In a Room Made Out of Fears – April 3, 2016
It’s the second week after resurrection and the implications are still unclear. The lives of the disciples are still very much in the air. Scripture from the book of John, chapter 20.
The Zag of the Resurrection – March 27, 2016
People who have been a part of church for a long time have heard all the stories of the Resurrection many times over. Yet, here we are again at Easter remembering the story again. Since the audio was not recorded for the sermon here’s the summary version, pictures included. Think for a moment about the …
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Parading Towards the Tinderbox – March 20, 2016
Jesus, on a donkey heading toward Jerusalem is the picture painted by the writer of the text. Implied in the story is tension and political activism.
Crusher of Chariots, Converter of Ostriches, Waterer of Deserts – March 13, 2016
From the prophetic imagination of Isaiah comes a text about the working of God in the world to eliminate empire, change the failings of the world and make new life rise up.
When Paradise Is Occupied – March 6, 2016
In just a few short verses, the Israelite people are set-up in the promised land – but what happened to the people what were there before them?