Link to YouTube Video of sermon: (click below to watch)

Welcome to the community of Chemainus United Church!

We worship in our wood and light filled sanctuary Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m. COVID precautions include wearing masks, social distancing and staying home if feeling unwell.

Everyone is welcome to join us!

About Us:

We worship, live and work together in fellowship trying to make sure those with whom we share our journey feel loved as fellow pilgrims.

We want to engage with our world as disciples of Jesus Christ in meaningful ways. This involves asking that famous question, “Who is my neighbour?” It also means using our gifts faithfully.

One way is by using our building to support programs and offering our energy to community partners, such as A.A. and Harvest House Food Bank.

We appreciate the many generous ways in which people support our ministry in the local community and the wider world.

If you wish to make a secure donation to Chemainus United Church through CanadaHelps, please click the link below: